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System flushing & protection

Essential boiler & System Maintenance

A woman touches the cold radiator of a home heater with her frozen hands and increases the

Sludge & blockages 

Central heating radiators are often overlooked when carrying out routine servicing and/or maintenance. If you are experiencing problems with your radiators not getting hot enough, there is likely to be an issue with the water quality in the system.

When heating systems are installed, chemical inhibitors should be added to the system water to protect the metal radiators from rusting inside. These can become diluted over time, especially if radiators are removed for decorating. Systems need to be checked annually for corrosion, ph levels and inhibitor levels. Keeping systems topped up  with inhibitor helps protect the boiler, radiators, and pipe work from clogging up with sludge.

Sludge is the number one issue for heating problems and it is totally preventable. If left untreated, the issues will just get worse and can lead to expensive repairs. 

Benefits of Adey Magnacleanse®

MagnaCleanse® system flushing removes sludge and other debris from your heating system to help keep it running as efficiently and effectively as possible. When used in conjunction with ADEY’s powerful MC5 Rapid Flush Cleaner and VibraClean agitator it can clean your system in only a few hours.

A clean heating system works more efficiently, and is less prone to breakdowns caused by sludge, the most common cause of heating system breakdown. 

Removing sludge from your system will improve the system performance and efficiency, helping you keep fuel bills down in the Winter.

Adey Magnacleanse filtration system
Radiator performance before and after cleansing.

Long Term Protection

It is recommended that filters are installed when new boilers are installed on existing heating systems. We recommend installing Adey magnetic filters to all central heating systems to help prolong the life of your boiler.

If you are having issues, the worst thing you can do is ignore them. Once corrosion starts, it will continue if left untreated. Investing in preventative maintenance now could save you expensive repairs in the future. 

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